
Why do I need a website?

Do you really expect users to sift through the hundreds of thousands of Facebook pages and Twitter accounts that are currently live to find one that is trustworthy and suits their needs?

For reliable services, users are much more likely to head to Search Engines to find companies that have, not just a website but, a visually attractive, user friendly website. In fact, statistics have even noted that a whopping 46% of online users say that web design is the number 1 thing to look for when deciding a company’s credibility!

When starting to think about building a new website there are a couple of things you will need to consider.

First of all, how is your current brand/theme/logo working out for you? Is this something you think could benefit from a slight makeover or even a completely fresh design? Remember, your logo and brand identity will set the tone for your whole website.


Retox Digital

Once you have decided on the tone of the website, you should start to look at it from a user point of view. If you were a potential customer, what would you expect to see on your site? This will determine what content goes into the navigation of the page, your banners and your headings. Your headings should be simple and clear; they are essential when it comes to SEO purposes so having headings that mention the name of your business and what it specialises in is crucial.

As a user, you would also expect your site to be responsive and mobile friendly – we are in 2019, after all, and if your website is stuck in 2009 you will drive your prospects away. Users will see an out of date site and automatically assume that it is either old fashioned or, even worse, out of business.

Content is a major part of any website, and not just for user purposes. Search Engines love to see a website that has content and information. This tells services like Google that you are ready and willing to answer the user’s questions. Make sure you have thought ahead and have prepared sharp images and easy to read text that will thoroughly inform your potential user of what you do. Things like testimonials, client logos and success stories are a great way to answer your user’s curiosity while keeping your business human. Saying that, however, you do not want your website to be cluttered and too text heavy. This is where great design comes in.

When it comes to your website, you will be needing the freedom to amend, update and expand your online presence while still sticking to the professional brand and design that you have established for yourself. At Retox Digital, we use a Content Management System called Umbraco; this platform allows our clients to add pages, images and text without having to worry about compromising their design. This gives the ability to expand your website as you expand your business.

To discuss the values of effective web design and the advantages of the Umbraco CMS call Retox on 01670 785786 or email us at hello@retoxdigital.com

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